40+ new Rough Translations of the Message (27th May 2022)

We have published over 40 new rough translations of the message and linked them in the languages overview of the message.

These languages ​​have been added as rough translations:

Please read:
The current status is May 29, 2022.
It is therefore possible that some of the linked rough translations are now available as corrected (!) translations.

You can find more languages ​​in the languages overview.

If your language is not yet available in the languages overview, then you can use  temporary rough translations to read the message: Is your language not yet available? (Temporary rough translation)

We use the English names of the languages:

The languages ​​are arranged alphabetically according to the English names of the languages, since English is the world language and is understood by most people. We didn’t use the German names of the languages in the German subpage of the language overview.

Explanation on the Rough Translations

Please also read the article with more explanation: Explanation on the Temporary Rough Translations

Get informed about future (rough) translations:

You can subscribe to the Languages Feed (for free) to get notified when we add new translations, see info: Get notified about new languages (translations) via e-mail! (The Languages Feed)
Or you can enter your e-mail address and subscribe to our the e-mail subscription of this website. You will then be notified by email when there are new posts (in all languages).

Voluntary Translators Wanted (m/f/d)!

We are looking for translators, who correct/ revise the rough translations.
More about this on the page “Translators Wanted”.

Do you have questions about the rough translations or the translations?

Here you will find questions and answers about the (corrected) translations and the rough translations: Questions And Answers (FAQ, Frequently Asked Questions)

Do you already know the message?

Do you already know the message? Have you already accepted Jesus Christ as your Saviour? If not or you’re not sure about that, please check out the message:

To the Message (in English)


Take a look at the languages overview in its new look:

To the languages overview


Coloured drawing of people holding hand around earth globe

Flaggensymbol Deutschland/ Sprache DeutschLink to this article in German (Link zum Artikel auf Deutsch):
40+ neue Rohübersetzungen der Botschaft

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