Sharing Ideas

Share The MessageHere you can find sharing ideas for the project “Message For You!”. 

Please also read the Terms Of Use For The Projekt “Message For You!”.

Take a look at the Media Center with material that you can share with the following ideas.


Introduction to the sharing ideas for the message and material

Please use the menu (table of contents) for overview and navigation.

Click On A Line In This Navigation:

  1. Terms Of Use For The Project “Message For You!”
  2. Where You Can Find The Material
  3. Sharing Ideas For The “Message For You!”-Videos
  4. Sharing Ideas For The “Message For You!” Audio Files
  5. Sharing Ideas For The “Message For You!” Text Documents
  6. Sharing Ideas For The Background Music “Heavenly Sounds”
  7. Sharing Ideas For The Pictures From
  8. Sharing Ideas For Flyers or Text Documents From The Project
  9. Sharing Ideas For The MFY Trolley Coins
  10. Sharing Ideas For The MFY DVD Or CD 
  11. Sharing Ideas For Social Media Channels
  12. More Sharing Ideas
  13. Your Turn: Have you tried one of these or do you know more sharing ideas?
  14. Sharing Ideas in German

Please read first:

1. Terms Of Use For The project “Message For You!”

Please also read and respect the Terms Of Use For The Projekt “Message For You!”.

2. Where You Can Find The Material

Take a look at the Media Center with material that you can share with the following ideas.

On the subpage Shops you can find an overview with (online) shops where you can order material for sharing the message. Please note that you will have to pay money for (most of) this material.

 3. Sharing Ideas For The “Message For You!”-Videos

  • Embed the videos with the HTML code from YouTube in your website, blog, forum, etc.
    To do this, open a video (example) and then click below the video on “Share” (or “Sharing”). Then click on “Embed” and if you click on it, you can find the HTML code that you can copy and paste into your website (in HTML mode).
  • Burn a MFY CD or DVD with the videos (see the headline with the title “Sharing Ideas For The MFY DVD Or CD” on this page!)

 4. Sharing Ideas For The “Message For You!” Audio Files

  • Burn a CD or DVD with the videos or audio files from the message.
    Give the CD to somebody who, for example, has no Internet access. The audio files are also suitable for people with debility of sight, for example for elderly people.

 5. Sharing Ideas For The “Message For You!” Text Documents

 6. Sharing Ideas For The Background Music “Heavenly Sounds”

  • Burn a CD with the music recording.
    You can listen to it for relaxation, soaking- or prayer times. Or give the CD to somebody who, for example, needs healing, a touch of God etc. …

 7. Sharing Ideas For The Pictures From

  • Print the pictures with a good printer. Or use an Internet service that prints the pictures for you. Look in a search machine for “print photos online” etc. for a useful website that offers this service).

 8. Sharing Ideas For Flyers Or Text Documents From The Project

  • Print the flyers or text documents and share them with other people.
    For example in the street, on an event, in a church (with prior consultation) or with friends…

9. Sharing Ideas For The MFY Trolley Coins

Maybe you will be surprised, but you can do a lot of creative things with trolley coins. You can find many tips in these articles:

 10. Sharing Ideas For The MFY DVD Or CD

  •  Burn a CD with the videos from the message. You can also burn a DVD by using a special program. There are different free programs on the Internet – just look in a search machine.
    You can also share the CD or DVD with somebody who has no Internet access.

 11. Sharing Ideas For Social Media Channels

  • To share the message via social media, you can follow, like, share and recommend our posts and social media channels and you can invite your contacts to follow our channels.
    Here you can find a page with an overview of our websites, projects and social media channels: Our other (Web) Projects
  • You can also use our share bar to share posts from this website on your own social media pages. You should see the share bar at the left side of your computer’s screen or below the posts.

12. More Sharing Ideas

  • Share the message on a special day like Christmas, Easter but also on other days like on the Global Outreach Day… You can find more on this on the page Message Articles under the headline “Specials on certain days”.
  • You can find more sharing ideas for the message on the subpage Support The Mission Organisation Message For You! (e.g. through prayer, through donations or by supporting through your online orders at no additional cost and other ideas how you can support)


And much more Sharing Ideas

We are working on additional ways for more Sharing Ideas. Do you want to get notified about this?

If you want to get notified about more Sharing Ideas:

E-mail subscription: You can enter your e-mail address and subscribe to our the e-mail subscription of this website. You will then be notified by email when there are new posts (in all languages).

Other option: With the Project Feed you can get notified via e-mail every time when a new post about the project (e.g. articles about the project or pictures and photos or videos about the project etc.) is released. Click here: Subscribe to the Project Feed!

13. Your Turn:
Have you tried one of these or do you know more sharing ideas?

Feel free to tell us about your ideas, stories and testimonies. Just write a comment below this article!

Or send us an e-mail with one or more photos if you created further material (for example flyers). Then we can publish the photo(s) on this page!

Contact us via e-mail:

(Please only contact us via email. Please first read the directions on our contact page.)


Please only write us in English. If you want to share an idea in German, then please use the other page: Verbreitungsideen.

We only understand English and German, so we ask you to only write in one of these languages.
If you don’t speak English very well, maybe you can use Google Translate (or other online translators) to translate your sharing idea or testimony.

By submitting your photos, texts etc. you agree that we may use these in this project (e.g. in an article, on social media or offline, etc.). Your email address will not be published. You also accept our privacy policy.

Your email address will not be published. You can also enter a nickname or “anonymous”. Please note that your comment can be found via internet search engines. See also our Information about Comments.

Every comment will be checked (and edited if necessary) before publishing, please be patient and wait a few days.

Please do not write comments in response to ideas or testimonies from others.

 14. Sharing Ideas In German:


More on the “Spread The Message” main subpage:

On the following subpage you can find out more about what you can do to help spread the World’s Best Message:


(Below this article please ONLY comments regarding sharing ideas)

Link to this page in German (Link zu dieser Seite auf Deutsch):

3 thoughts on “Sharing Ideas

  1. Administrator Post author

    The movement is gaining speed! There are new people who spread/share the MFY material. The readers and we would love to hear from you! If you are spreading the MFY material and have experienced something with it, please let us know! Post a comment with a few public lines. This encourages others, too! Thank you and blessings!

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