Sharing Ideas for the MFY Trolley Coins

Here you can find many creative ideas how you can share the MFY Trolley Coins…

First, what the trolley coins are about:

These trolley coins can change your life and the lives of other people forever.

Because they lead to a message that has changed the lives of billions of people.

More about this: To the MFY Trolley Coins main subpage

—> On this page you can find many articles, e.g. where you can order the MFY Trolley Coins

MFY-Einkaufswagenchips mit Link

 Sharing Ideas for the MFY Trolley Coins

Here you can find many photos with sharing ideas.

Please note our short Guidelines for sharing the MFY Trolley Coins. And please also read the Terms of Use for the project “Message For You!”.

In the Media Center you can find further material that you can share with others.

Information about the pictures:
If you can’t open or view the pictures (most of them are in png format), then you can download a free programm that you can find on this page: To the page (There you can also find other technical help)
Then you can convert the pictures into another format.

(Click on an image to enlarge it)

MFY-Einkaufswagenchip auf Teller von ToilettenfrauPut a MFY Trolley Coin on a plate (of course with some real coins) from a lavatory attendant.
MFY-Einkaufswagenchip beim TrinkgeldIf you tip somebody or if you pay something, give them also a MFY Trolley Coin.
MFY-Einkaufswagenchips im Geldbeutel GeldbörseAlways have some MFY Trolley Coins in your wallet or pocket – if you need to give them away.
MFY-Einkaufswagenchip neben WaschbeckenLeave a MFY Trolley Coin on a washbasin of a public restroom/toilet.
MFY Einkaufswagenchip BushaltestellePut a MFY Trolley Coin on a seat of a (bus) stop.
MFY-Einkaufswagenchip an einem StiftPut a MFY Trolley Coin on a pencil, e.g. in a school.
MFY-Einkaufswagenchip in DVDPut a MFY Trolley Coin in a case of a DVD or a CD when you give it to someone.
MFY Einkaufswagenchip Brief Sand2Write something encouraging on the ground or in sand, e.g. infront of a bench and leave a MFY Trolley Coin.
MFY Einkaufswagenchip Brief SandWrite something encouraging on the ground or in sand, e.g. infront of a bench and leave a MFY Trolley Coin.
MFY Einkaufswagenchip Baum2Put a MFY Trolley Coin (visibly) on a tree that can be reached by a person, see picture.
MFY Einkaufswagenchip BaumPut a MFY Trolley Coin (visibly) on a tree that can be reached by a person, see picture.
MFY-Einkaufswagenchip an Astgabel BaumPut a MFY Trolley Coin (visibly) on a branch that can be reached by a person, see picture.
MFY Einkaufswagenchip BankPut a MFY Trolley Coin (visibly) on a tree that can be reached by a person, see picture.
MFY Einkaufswagenchip Herbst-Deko BankPut a MFY Trolley Coin on a bench, e.g. in the park – here with a decoration idea.
MFY Einkaufswagenchip StrauchPut a MFY Trolley Coin (visibly) on a bush next to an entrance.



and so on…. ….

There are so many possibilities!

Here are some more sharing ideas without photos:

  • While shopping :-)
  • On the way to work…
  • …or on the way to school…
  • While taking a walk…
  • While taking the dog for a walk…
  • While bicycling…
  • While travelling / on a journey (in the bus, train, plane, in a hotel,…)
  • In a restaurant or in a café,…
  • You can also hand out a small basket with MFY Trolley Coins while collection in a church (with permission): Everybody could take 3 MFY Trolley Coins from the basket (and share them later with another person).
  • Or you put MFY Trolley Coins on each chair in a church before service (with permission). Everybody could take a MFY Trolley Coin and share it with another person in the coming week.
  • Do you own a shop? Then you could place a basket with MFY Trolley Coins on the sales counter. Maybe you could also place a note there, saying that everybody can take a MFY Trolley Coin. You could also stick the MFY Trolley Coins on sweets and share them.
  • Do you work at the food bank (=food for socially deprived people)? Then you can also share a MFY Trolley Coin with every person. Or you stick the MFY Trolley Coins on table napkins, on sweets or on small chocolate bars etc. …
  • Do you often send packages? For example with Amazon, Ebay etc.? Then you can put a MFY Trolley Coin as a small gift inside the package!
  • Do you do a paper round? Then you can also share MFY Trolley Coins on your way to the houses (Note: Maybe do not leave MFY Trolley Coins infront of every house because this may look like “advertising”. And you could place the MFY Trolley Coins on the doorway or on other places instead of the post box!).
  • Do you make geocaching (=it’s a kind of “paper chase” but with GPS)? Then you could leave a MFY Trolley Coin in the box!

 Your Turn:
Have you tried one of these or do you know more sharing ideas?

Feel free to tell us about your ideas, stories and testimonies. Just write a comment below this article!

If you want to tell a sharing idea or a story in German, then please use the other page in German: Verteilideen für die MFY-Einkaufswagenchips – Sharing Ideas with the MFY Trolley Coins in German.

Or send us an e-mail with one ore more photos how you shared the MFY Trolley Coins. Then we can publish the photo(s) on this page!

Please use our Contact-Page.

Please only write us in English or in German.
We only understand English and German, so we ask you to only write in one of these languages.
If you don’t speak English very well, maybe you can use Google Translate (or other online translators) to translate your sharing idea or testimony.

By submitting your photos, texts etc. you agree that we may use these in this project (e.g. in an article, on social media or offline, etc.). Your email address will not be published. You also accept our privacy policy.

Your email address will not be published. You can also enter a nickname or “anonymous”. Please note that your comment can be found via internet search engines. See also our Information about Comments.

Every comment will be checked (and edited if necessary) before publishing, please be patient and wait a few days.

Please do not write comments in response to ideas or testimonies from others.

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With the Trolley Coins Feed you can get notified via e-mail every time when a new post about the MFY Trolley Coins (e.g. articles about the MFY Trolley Coins or pictures and photos or videos about the MFY Trolley Coins etc.) is released. – OF COURSE FOR FREE!


More posts with the MFY Trolley Coins on the
MFY Trolley Coins main subpage

On the following subpage you can find an overview of all posts about the topic “MFY Trolley Coins”:



 Find sharing ideas in German on the following page:

(Below this article please ONLY comments regarding gift and craft ideas with the MFY Trolley Coins)

Link to this page in German (Link zu dieser Seite auf Deutsch):
Verteil(bzw. “Verlier”)ideen mit den MFY-Einkaufswagenchips

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3 thoughts on “Sharing Ideas for the MFY Trolley Coins

  1. Administrator Post author

    The movement is gaining speed! There are new people who spread/share the MFY material. The readers and we would love to hear from you! If you are spreading the MFY material and have experienced something with it, please let us know! Post a comment with a few public lines. This encourages others, too! Thank you and blessings!

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