Jesus says to His disciples:
“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
(see Luke 10,2 NIV)
Do you want to help us reaching people with the best message of the world?
Take part in the great soul harvest!
Here you can find some suggestions:
- Support in prayer:
We are very thankful for every prayer (guided by the Holy Spirit) for this project:
* For blessing – that everyone who comes to the website or gets material, gets touched by God.
* For protection (spiritual, technical, etc.) for the translators, speakers, other helpers and us. - Share in social networks:
Share the link or the videos (or other material) of the project in a social network: For example on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.
You can also use our share bar to share posts from this website on your own social media pages. You should see the share bar at the left side of your computer’s screen or on your mobile device at the bottom. - Forward content to people online (e.g. on social networks):
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You can also use our share bar to share or forward posts from this website directly. You should see the share bar at the left side of your computer’s screen or on your mobile device at the bottom.
- Link to the website or embed the videos:
Link to or embed the MFY videos in your website, your blog, your forum etc.
Please see our Terms Of Use. - Use, share and spread the material in the Media Center:
In the Media Center you can find a lot of material that you can share. On the page Sharing Ideas you can find many ideas how you can share the material. Please see our Terms Of Use. - Shops:
On the subpage Shops you can find an overview with (online) Shops where you can order material for sharing the message. Please note that you will have to pay money for (most of) this material. Please see our Terms Of Use. - Donations:
On the subpage Donate you can find ways to donate to this ministry. Your donations are tax-deductable at the german tax office. For other countries please check your local tax regulations. - Support through your online orders (at no extra cost):
You can support us with your online orders via Gooding. We receive a bonus from the providers.
You can find more information on our Donation Page. - In-kind donations:
We can use different material for pictures and videos by which people find the “Message For You!”. But please first ask us if we could use it! - Translate the message in another language:
For more information read “Voluntary Translators Wanted!” - Follow us on Facebook (“like” or “share” our Facebook page):
In this way other people can find this website (and the message).
Visit us on Facebook - Subscribe to our YouTube Channel:
In this way other people can find this website (and the message).
Visit us on YouTube - Follow us on Twitter:
In this way other people can find this website (and the message).
Visit us on Twitter - Support our other projects:
Here you can find a page with an overview of our websites, projects and social media channels: Our other (Web) Projects - Sharing Ideas for the message:
Here you can find sharing ideas for the message and material: Sharing Ideas
And Jesus says as well:
“Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, then comes the harvest’? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest. Already the one who reaps is receiving wages and gathering fruit for eternal life, so that sower and reaper may rejoice together. For here the saying holds true, ‘One sows and another reaps.’
I sent you to reap that for which you did not labor. Others have labored, and you have entered into their labor.”
(John 4, 35-38; ESV)
Thank you for your help!
Sharing is also caring!
More on the “Spread The Message” main subpage:
On the following subpage you can find out more about what you can do to help spread the World’s Best Message: