
“Message For You!” is all about sharing the World’s Best Message!

Please first take a look at the message which is the most central topic of this website:
To the Message!

More information can be found on the pages below.

Click on a title:

About This Site

About us

About the Mission Organisation Message For You! gUG (haftungsbeschränkt)

To The Message!

(Please first take a look at the message which is the most central topic of this website!)

Questions And Answers (FAQ, Frequently Asked Questions)

Statement Of Faith

(also with two personal stories from us)

The Story Behind “Message For You!”

The Vision of “Message For You!”

Terms Of Use for “Message For You!”

Donate to Message For You!
gUG (haftungsbeschränkt)

(We are a registered non-profit organisation under German law. Your donation is tax-deductable, at least in Germany, for other countries please check.)


Our other (Web) Projects

(Here you can find a page with an overview of our websites, projects and social media channels.)

More on the Project

(Here you can find an overview of all articles about “Message For You!”, in German: “Botschaft Für Dich!”.)



Link to this page in German (Link zu dieser Seite auf Deutsch):

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