Have you found or got a MFY Trolley Coin?

Found a trolley coin?

Have you found or got a MFY Trolley Coin?

Then you surely want to know what it is about.

On the front it says (in English and in German): “Message For You! Botschaft Für Dich!” and on the back side you can see the link to this web page, www.message-for-you.net.

Found trolley coin? MFY trolley coins with Link

Found a trolley coin? Got a trolley coin? / Found a shopping cart token/coin?

From time to time we, or also other people, give away these red trolley coins/trolley tokens… Or we leave them intentionally in different places… Or we “forget” them intentionally in a shopping trolley…

Why we do that?
Because we want to reach people with the best message in the world!

No, we are NOT promoting any sect.

We are sharing a message that changes our life and also the lives of billions of people…

Find out more – and what it means for you – here:

The message can also change your life forever. So please take the time.


More about the MFY Trolley Coins in these articles:


More posts with the MFY Trolley Coins on the
MFY Trolley Coins main subpage

On the following subpage you can find an overview of all posts about the topic “MFY Trolley Coins”:


Found trolley coin? MFY trolley coins with Link

Found a trolley token? Got a trolley token? Found a shopping cart coin?


Link to this page in German (Link zu dieser Seite auf Deutsch):
Hast Du einen MFY-Einkaufswagenchip gefunden oder geschenkt bekommen?

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