Article Archive

History Message-For-You
On this page you can see the archive of articles from from the years 2014 – 2024.

Here you can view older posts and find “new” old treasures…

Number of all available posts:
At the moment more than ca. 600 posts (counted with subpages: more than ca. 1.000).

Are you looking for a specific topic?

Then you can try the search function (above the header image). Enter the topic or word that you are looking for. Then click on “Search” – and then you can view the posts about the topic, if available.

Our Sitemap can help you to get an overview of the structure and the content of

But we also have an article overview on this website. More about it below:

Do you want to view all posts about a specific topic?

Instead of using the search function (as mentioned above) you can take a look into our article overview, see link: To the Article Overview
There you can find the posts well-sorted and in specific topics from this website.

Or do you want to search for a specific day?

If you want to know if and which articles got published on a single day, you can search it by entering the date. Example: The link for the date 27th May 2015 looks like this:
You can change this link with your desired date and search for it.

The Story Behind

On the following link you can see how the project started and how it is growing: The Story Behind “Message For You!”

Jubilee Articles

Furthermore we sometimes want to publish a “jubilee article”. was created on 4th June 2014. We published the website on that day. That’s why we want to write an article about it with some informative details.

Follow Jesus in the New Year:


More older articles from the past years:


Below you can see the article archive sorted by months and years. It only contains the english articles. For other languages click here: Artikel-Archiv (German/Deutsch) and here Article Archive (Multilingual)


To the Article Archive:



January February March April May June July August September October November December

View the whole year 2024



January February March April May June July August September October November December

View the whole year 2023



January February March April May June July August September October November December

View the whole year 2022



January April May June July August September October November December

View the whole year 2021



September November

View the whole year 2020



March June July August September December

View the whole year 2019



January February March April May June July August September November

View the whole year 2018



January February April June November

View the whole year 2017


March June July October December

View the whole year 2016


January February April May June July September October November December

View the whole year 2015


June September November

View the whole year 2014

This website is published since 4th June 2014, see article:
This Website is now online / Diese Internetseite ist jetzt online (04.06.2014)


Link to this page in German (Link zu dieser Seite auf Deutsch):

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