Category Archives: News-English

Spread the Message in different languages

Coloured drawing of people holding hand around earth globe
Spread the message in different languages, see Languages Overview.

Do you want to share and pass on the message? Feel free to share the message with others!

Click here:
To The Message!
(There you can choose the desired language and then watch the message)

You are welcome to share the message with other people! You can recommend the message directly. See the links for each language in which the message is available: To The Languages Overview.

Or you can also share the links of the Language Overviews.

If available, you can share the links to the video format or other formats.

You can also find many creative ideas for spreading the message here: Sharing Ideas for spreading the message

We wish you all the best!

Share the message with the world!

Thanks for sharing the message!

Message For You! is all about spreading the world’s best message all over the world and reaching people. You too can become a messenger and share the message!

More on the “Spread The Message” main subpage:

On the following subpage you can find out more about what you can do to help spread the World’s Best Message:

To the “Spread The Message” main subpage


Flaggensymbol Deutschland/ Sprache DeutschLink to this article in German (Link zum Artikel auf Deutsch):
Verbreite die Botschaft in verschiedenen Sprachen

Overview of the Sharing Ideas for the Message

We have recommended a lot of sharing ideas for the message to you.

Here an overview of the different sharing ideas for the message:

First and most important:

Do you already know the message?

Has the message changed your life for the better? Do you want to share and pass on the message?

If you don’t know the message yet then please first watch it:

Click here:
To The Message!
(There you can choose the desired language and then watch the message)

You are welcome to share the message with other people! You can recommend the message directly. See the links for each language in which the message is available: To The Languages Overview. Or you can also share the links of the Language Overviews. If available, you can share the links to the video format or other formats.

Here an overview of the sharing ideas for the message:

You can also find many creative ideas for spreading the message here: Sharing Ideas for spreading the message
(There you can find an overview of MORE sharing ideas for the message!)

Take a look at the Media Center (with a lot of material for free) that you can share with the Sharing Ideas.

On the subpage Shops you can find an overview with (online) shops where you can order material for sharing the message. Please note that you will have to pay money for (most of) this material.

Please just read and respect our easy Terms of Use for sharing the message.

You can also take a look at the other content of this website.

We wish you all the best!

Share the message with the world!

Thanks for sharing the message!

Message For You! is all about spreading the world’s best message all over the world and reaching people. You too can become a messenger and share the message!

More on the “Spread The Message” main subpage:

On the following subpage you can find out more about what you can do to help spread the World’s Best Message:

To the “Spread The Message” main subpage


Flaggensymbol Deutschland/ Sprache DeutschLink to this article in German (Link zum Artikel auf Deutsch):
Übersicht mit Verbreitungsideen mit der Botschaft

Subscribe to the e-mail subscription

Do you want to receive new posts from this website via e-mail? Then you can enter your e-mail address into the e-mail subscription.

If the form below won´t show, then you can also find the form in the right sidebar or (on mobile devices) right down at the bottom.

Subscribe to the News:

Enter your e-mail address and subscribe to this website.
You will get an e-mail to confirm your subscription.
After your confirmation you will receive new posts (in all languages) via e-mail.
It\’s free! You can unsubscribe at any time.

Please note: After registering you will receive an automatic e-mail. In this you will find a confirmation link that you must click to activate the e-mail subscription. If you did not receive the email with the confirmation link, then please look in the email folder that contains the emails that have been marked as spam.

You can cancel the subscription at any time. 

You can find more information on the e-mail subscription on the page e-mail subscription.

Legal Notice:

  • Please also read our Privacy Policy. By using our email subscriptions function you express your consent to the related processing of data.
  • When you sign up and confirmed, your IP address will be saved, in order to verify the registration. Your e-mail address will not be used for any other purpose (unless in the case we need to write an e-mail personally to you because of any important reasons).

More ways to subscribe to the project Message For You! on the
Subscribe main subpage

On the following subpage you can find an overview of all ways how you can subscribe to the project Message For You!:

Share the Message!

Coloured drawing of people holding hand around earth globe

As Christians we all have a part to bring in God’s harvest. A central part of our ministry is to equip Christians for their harvest work. 

Here you can find more about the evangelistic message and how you can be involved to use the message to reach people with the gospel.

You, too, can become a messenger and share the message!

The evangelistic message from is available in different versions, formats and languages, now more than 100 translations (as computer-generated rough translations) that are also intended for sharing.
We have experienced that tens of thousands of people from many countries are reading the rough translations with a longer length of stay. We can watch it in our online statistics: See direct link to the statistics

And see About the Statistics of the Globe (in the right Sidebar)

You can find all languages in the languages overview of the message.

The text message of our so-called “Short Children’s Version” is particularly well suited for sharing, as it present the gospel and the story of salvation very clearly with colourful drawings.

The Children’s Version is also good for passing on to adults because it is the same text as in the version for adults.

Short Version:

The message as text with colourful drawings:
Short Version

You can read the Short Version in English (see link above). Or in further languages in the Languages Overview

The short version is also available as a video in German on this page:

You can share the message with people, e.g. via email or messenger. On our website, you will find share buttons (at the top and bottom of the articles) and a share bar (on mobile devices at the bottom and on desktop on the left side) for convenient sharing and forwarding.

Full Length Version:
The message as text with colourful drawings:
Full Length Version

You can read the Full Length Version in English (see link above). Or in further languages in the Languages Overview.

The Full Length Version is also available as a video in German on this page:

Part 2 of the message as text with colourful drawings:
How it goes on (part 2 of the message)

You can read Part 2 in English (see link above). Or in further languages in the Languages Overview

Part 2 is also available as a video in German on this page:

The 4 Steps of Discipleship/ Following after Jesus:
As text with colourful drawings:
4 Steps on your Way with Jesus (Short Version)

The message in further languages:
More than 100 rough translations of the message, also suitable for sharing:
Languages Overview of the Message

More material for sharing and the MFY Trolley Coins

Hand mit Brief Botschaft weitergeben

To spread the message you can use our free material in the Media Center. There are many sharing ideas for the message and material.

Our evangelistic MFY Trolley Coins are a very good way to spread the message. They have a link to the message.
Here you can order them directly from the manufacturer:

Order the MFY Trolley Coins (with costs)

There are many ways how you can use the MFY Trolley Coins to reach people with the message. You can find ideas here:

Donate to help spreading the message

We depend on donations to be able to do this ministry. Especially, regularly recurring donations help us to plan and to build God’s kingdom. These are monthly or quarterly donations, for example.

Please ask Jesus if you should support this ministry and our harvest work financially.

Even small amounts such as 5 € as a one-off or regular donation (e.g. monthly) can make a difference!

Here you can find the bank account, PayPal and online donation form of our non-profit organisation.

Donate via bank transfer:
Message For You! gUG (haftungsbeschränkt)
HASPA Hamburg (in Germany)

Please check the payment fees of your bank when donating to a german bank account. Or use PayPal instead.

With a bank transfer (within Germany) there are lower processing fees than with PayPal.

Give via PayPal:

Donate via online donation form:
You can also use our online donation form by Givio. There, you can also donate via direct debit or credit card:

Givio online donation form (translated by Google Translate)

This is very convenient and easy, even for regular donations. You will receive your donation receipt directly from Givio.

You can also support us with your online shopping at no additional cost:
We use the service of Gooding for this purpose. We receive a bonus when you make your (normal) online orders/shopping via our link.

Gooding (translated by Google Translate)

More info on our donation page:

Coloured drawing of people holding hand around earth globe

Please support the Harvest Work

Please support us!

Your support helps us to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We are a registered non-profit limited liability company of general benefit with the purpose of spreading the christian message and charity.

Your donations are tax-deductable at the german tax office. For other countries please check your local tax regulations.

Give via PayPal

You can give via PayPal to support this ministry. Please use this link:

Give via bank transfer

You can donate via bank transfer. Please transfer your donation to the following account:

Message For You! gUG (haftungsbeschränkt)
HASPA Hamburg
IBAN: DE81200505501502171323


Transparency and seriousness are important to us as the Message For You! That is why we have joined the “Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft”, an initiative which encourages transparency in civil organisations.

We have thus committed ourselves to publish various information such as our income and use of our funds/donations and to keep them up to date. You can find the information on our transparency subpage.

We are very grateful for your generous support! We need your help to spread the Good News! Thank you very much and God bless you!

This subpage is going to be updated, we’re working on additional ways to give, especially for supporters outside Germany – in other countries. For more ways see the article in German: Bitte unterstütze uns

More on the “Spread The Message” main subpage:

On the following subpage you can find out more about what you can do to help spread the World’s Best Message:

Flaggensymbol Deutschland/ Sprache DeutschLink to this article in German (Link zum Artikel auf Deutsch): Bitte unterstütze die Ernte-Arbeit

10 Years Message For You! (Jubilee 4th June 2014 – 4th June 2024)

Reason to celebrate:

Today we are celebrating  the jubilee of our evangelistic website!

10 years:

04th June 2014 – 04th June 2024

Thank you Jesus!

We really have a reason to celebrate because every day people are reached with the gospel! Current status: More than ca. 1,000 people daily (!) from ca. 100 countries!

Here you can read the story behind Message For You!: Story Behind Message For You!

Here you can read the prophetic vision of Message For You!: Vision von Message For You!

If you want to celebrate with us:

Then we are happy when you support us so that we can continue to bring in the worlwide harvest:

Support us

Colouring pages for Whitsunday, Whitsun, Whitsuntide, Pentecost, Holy Spirit

Here you will find some colouring pages to print for whitsunday, whitsun, whitsuntide, Holy Spirit,… for free download. The Christian coloring pages are for children and adults, as well. You can print out the colouring pages in DIN A4 format yourself.

We offer the colouring pages free of charge, and they are freely accessible online. To offer these pages free of charge, is made possible only through the donations of the users.
Please support our work with your donation, the easiest way to give is directly via PayPal:

More options to donate and information about giving to this (registered charitable) ministry can be found on our Donation-Subpage.

Thank you for your kind support!


The pictures are from the Children’s Version of the message. You can find it in the Languages Overview on our Children’s Page.

Have you already seen the world’s best message? No? Then visit this page: Message For You!

A preview of some of our colouring pages

Here you will find only a small selection of the pictures.

Please note that the pictures in this preview there are only preview images, and not the pictures in the print version for printing on DIN A4 pages. Below you will find a link where you can download these and other images formatted for printing.

If you use a different paper size than DIN A4, please check your printer’s options to scale the files to fit to your paper size. Please make a few test printings to check if the printer settings work properly.

The Holy Spirit is often illustrated as an dove but on the colouring pages He is also illustrated as fire flames/fire tongues/tongues of fire and a stream.


There are many more coloring pages!

Download the colouring pages

You can download the colouring pages here as a packed ZIP-file.

Download the coloring pages as zip file (7015 x 4960 px in DIN A4 print format for printing – file size: 32 MB)

Download via our external download page (on MediaFire):

More Free Christian Coloring Pages

The download link above contains all colouring pages from Message For You! for printing on DIN A4 paper. You can find the pictures for Pentecost/whitsunday and other Christian colouring pages to print on this page as an overview:

Free Colouring Pages to Download

We wish you a lot of fun colouring!

The Colouring Pages are also available as Coloured Drawings:

Coloured Drawings of the Message and other Pictures

On this page you can find craft ideas and games, also for the colouring pages:

Craft Ideas and Games for Children

Even more cool stuff on our Children’s Page:

—> To The Children’s Page <—

Flaggensymbol Deutschland/ Sprache DeutschLink to this article in German (Link zum Artikel auf Deutsch):
Ausmalbilder zu Pfingsten, Pfingsttag, Pfingstsonntag, Heiliger Geist