On the subpage of the languages overview you will find all available languages of the “Message For You!”.
Here you will find a few explanations on the languages overview.
You do NOT have to read all of these explanations, only if something is unclear to you or if you are interested in it. For example, if you are not sure how to find your language in the languages overview or how the languages overview works.
How to find your language in the languages overview:
1.) Go to the languages overview. There you will find a table with all languages.
2.) There you can then click on your desired language in the table.
3.) The languages are in alphabetical order (A-Z) according to the ENGLISH names of the languages.
But you also can find the names in mother tongue in the brackets. This means: Behind each language there is a bracket and in it is the name of the language in the respective mother tongue.
4.) If you can not find your desired language:
If you can not find your language immediately in the languages overview, use your browser’s search function:
On your PC: Then you can press the keys Ctrl and F both (by continuing to hold) on your PC. Then you can see a search box. Type in your language (in your mother tongue) in that search box and click Enter. If you then see more search results, then use the symbols ˄ and ˅ to show every single search result.
On your mobile device: Or if you are on a mobile device (for example using your smartphone): Then type on the three dots right above the browser (menu symbol). Then type on “Find in page”. Then you can type in your language in the search box and type on Enter or on the lens symbol. If you then see more search results, then use the symbols ˄ and ˅ to show every single search result.
For other devices please search the Internet for other instructions.
5.) Explanation on the colours of the languages:
Some languages have a red hyperlink. These are corrected translations.
If your language has a light orange hyperlink in the languages overview: Then it is a temporary rough translation. Please read it anyway! The rough translations of the message were automatically translated. The text may therefore contain errors. The rough translations are also intended for sharing. Although the rough translations are intended to be passed on, we are still looking for translators to correct them.
The grey languages do not yet have a hyperlink. For these, we still intend to publish either a rough translation or a corrected translation. We are gradually adding more grey languages. We also need translators for the grey languages.
6.) If your language is not yet available in the languages overview:
For example, if it is grey or if it is not available at all:
Then you can translate the message with an automatic online translation tool. Click here: Is The Translation For Your Language Not Yet Available? (Try The Temporary Rough Translation)
Or you can wait until your language is published. You can get notified about it:
You can subscribe to the Languages Feed to get notified when we add new translations, see info: Get notified about new languages (translations) via e-mail! (The Languages Feed)
Or you can enter your e-mail address in the e-mail subscription and subscribe to this website. You will then be notified by email when there are new posts (in all languages).
7.) From some languages there are several hyperlinks (in the same place one below the other) in the languages overview to several versions of the message:
For example, an informal form, formal form or a children’s version. By the way, the children’s version is also suitable for adults, as it contains the same text but also colourful pictures of the message!
8.) If your language does not yet have one of the several versions of the message:
Then you can also view the message in another language in which there are several versions of the message. For example, if you understand different languages, for example if you have a different mother tongue but also understand German or English.
It is worthwhile if you (even as an adult) also look at the version of the children’s version. The children’s version contains the same text but with pictures. Tip: The German message also includes videos of the children’s version.
We want to gradually publish all versions for each language.
9.) Do you have any questions? You can find more explanations below.
Further explanations on the Languages Overview
Now further explanations on the translations and on the message:
You also do NOT have to read all of these explanations, only if something is unclear to you or if you are interested in it.
Further explanations on the translations:
For some languages in the languages overview, there are short hints in English next to them.
Here’s a brief explanation: Why we have so many names of the languages and references in the languages overview:
It’s important to us that everyone can find their language. A single language often has several names and if a person were to search for a single name then they would not find their language.
The English hints mean the following:
“see”: This means “see (also)”. This means that the English name of the language can also be found under another English name.
“similar to”: That means “similar to”. This means that a language is very similar in nature to another language. This is for the reason that if a native speaker could also understand the other language (e.g. as an alternative if his/her language is not yet available.)
“not to be confused with”: This means “not to be confused with”. By this is meant that a name of one language would be easily confused with a name of another language. This is to avoid accidentally clicking the translation in the wrong language.
Other hints: With some languages it is written next to it if it is a so-called constructed/plan language (e.g. Esperanto) and with some languages it is written in which country or by which ethnic group the language is spoken or other information.
If you don’t know English, then use Google Translate to translate the hints from English into your native language.
If your language is not yet available
If the translation for your language is not yet available in the Languages Overview then you can translate the message with an automatic online translation tool. Click here: Is The Translation For Your Language Not Yet Available? (Try The Temporary Rough Translation)
Or you can wait until your language is published.
You can get notified about it, see next hint:
Get informed about future (rough) translations:
You can subscribe to the Languages Feed to get notified when we add new translations, see info: Get notified about new languages (translations) via e-mail! (The Languages Feed)
Or you can enter your e-mail address in the e-mail subscription and subscribe to this website. You will then be notified by email when there are new posts (in all languages).
All Versions of the Message
The “Message For You!” is not only available in different languages but also in different versions and formats. More on this: All Versions of the Message
Get notified about new versions of the message
With the Versions Feed you can get notified via e-mail every time when a new version or format of the message is released. More on this: Subscribe to the Versions Feed
Explanation on the Background Music “Heavenly Sounds”
The recording is also the background music of the message in some versions of the “Message For You!”. More on this: Explanation on the Background Music “Heavenly Sounds”
Get notified about new posts about Heavenly Sounds
With the Heavenly Sounds Feed you can get notified via e-mail every time when a new post about the music recording Heavenly Sounds is released. More on this: Subscribe to the Heavenly Sounds Feed
We use the English names of the languages:
The languages in the languages overview are arranged alphabetically according to the English (!) names of the languages, since English is the world language and is understood by most people. We didn’t use the German names of the languages in the German subpage of the languages overview because it would be a great technical effort to also translate the languages overview into German.
Chronological order of the translations
If you want to know when or on which date a translation was published: You can take a look at the subpage from the Language Feed where you can also find a chronological order of all published translations until now: To the Languages Feed
Or you can also find the “latest added” language above the Languages Overview.
Explanation on the Rough Translations
Please also read the article with more explanation: Explanation on the Temporary Rough Translations
Direct links to all Languages Overviews
You can find the Languages Overview on the following subpages:
On the German home page, on the English home page and on the Multilingual home page.
The Language Overview with Explanation in German and the Language Overview with explanation in English.
Furthermore, there is also a Language Overview in German for children and a Language Overview in English for children. More on the Children’s Page.
Voluntary Translators Wanted (m/f/d)!
We are looking for translators (m/f/d) for new languages and also for translators (m/f/d) who correct/ revise (!) the rough translations. More about this on the page “Translators Wanted”.
More ways to support Message For You!
You can find many support ideas on the page “Support The Mission Organisation Message For You!.
If you would like to support us financially, you will find donation options and information on our donation subpage.
You can support us with your online shopping on the Internet (at NO additional cost) through so-called “Charity Shopping”. More on this: Support us with your online shopping
Do you have questions about the rough translations or the translations?
Here you will find questions and answers about the (corrected) translations and the rough translations: Questions And Answers (FAQ, Frequently Asked Questions)
Do you already know the message?
Do you already know the message? Have you already accepted Jesus Christ as your Saviour? If not or you’re not sure about that, please check out the message:
To the Message (in English)
Take a look at the languages overview here:
To the languages overview
Spread the message
Has the message changed your life for the better? Do you want to share and pass on the message?
You are welcome to share the message with other people! You can recommend the message directly. See the links for each language in which the message is available:
To The Languages Overview. Or you can also share the links of the Language Overviews. If available, you can share the links to the video format or other formats.
You can also find many creative ideas for spreading the message here: Sharing Ideas for spreading the message
Take a look at the Media Center (with a lot of material for free) that you can share with the Sharing Ideas.
On the subpage Shops you can find an overview with (online) shops where you can order material for sharing the message. Please note that you will have to pay money for (most of) this material.
Please just read and respect our easy Terms of Use for sharing the message.
Get notified about NEW hints on the Languages Overview
It is possible that we revise the look or technical aspects of the languages overview in the future. That means that we then also will add new hints on the languages overview here on the subpage “Explanation on the Languages Overview”.
Do you want to get notified about this?
If you want to get notified about it:
E-mail subscription:
You can enter your e-mail address and subscribe to our the e-mail subscription of this website. You will then be notified by email when there are new posts (in all languages).
Other option:
With the Project Feed you can get notified via e-mail every time when a new post about the project (e.g. articles about the project or pictures and photos or videos about the project etc.) is released. Click here: Subscribe to the Project Feed!