Demo Landing page Template for evangelistic quick start and English message

Encouragement for you!

This is a message of encouragement for you!

Perhaps you are feeling discouraged, depressed and longing for encouragement? Would you like to get an encouraging word?

Then this message comes at the right time.
But even if you are feeling encouraged right now, this message is important because it is a message for all people!

The message is uplifting and encouraging because it is about real encouragement that is greater than any human encouragement.

It only takes a few minutes!

Now to the message:

First a mini version of the message:

Invite Jesus into your heart as your Lord and Saviour,
believe that He paid for your guilt on the Cross,
then you will not be lost after death,
but will receive eternal life in Heaven!

Read the message – only a few minutes!

God loves you and He has a good plan for your life. God wants to encounter you as a loving father and He wants you to spend eternity with Him in Heaven and that you will not be lost.

The evil in the world and your eternity

God wants to encounter people personally.

But there is something that stands between people and God: the sin and guilt of every single person.

And there is an enemy of all mankind: the enemy is Satan or the devil. This enemy is the reason for all the evil in this world (wars, hatred, suffering etc.). The devil wants to make people do evil things, go down the wrong path and not look for God.

Satan is lost and will spend eternity separated from God in deep darkness. Satan wants people to be lost, just like he is. That is why he seduces people to commit sin and to live without God.

Every person has to decide who they want to listen to. This also applies to you: Do you want to listen to Satan or to God?

God’s solution and salvation for mankind

God does not want people to perish. He loves all mankind and therefore sent a saviour.

God sent His own son, Jesus Christ, into the world. Jesus came into our world about 2,000 years ago as a true human being. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin.

Jesus lived as a human being, but without faults and without sin. Jesus lived in perfect, spiritual relationship with the Father.
He showed the world that God is a loving father, who wants to live with humans as a family.
Jesus taught people and performed signs and wonders, for example, He healed the sick.

And then He died voluntarily and in our place on the Cross. Jesus died for our guilt and mistakes.

God reveals Himself in three persons: Father, Son (Jesus) and Holy Spirit. Although Jesus was without sin, He sacrificed His life voluntarily. He died on the Cross for us and thus paid for our sins.

Jesus bore the punishment that humanity deserves on our behalf. Only through this can we be freed from our sins and have peace with God.

But Jesus rose from the dead and later returned to the Father in Heaven.
Through His sacrifice on the Cross, we too can have eternal life as a family with the Father in Heaven if we accept His gift.

Your decision: Do you accept the gift of eternal life?

You can accept this gift by believing that Jesus Christ paid for your sins on the Cross and inviting Him into your heart as your Lord and Saviour.

When you do this, you will be saved and spiritually (on the inside) born again as a child of God. You will be born into the heavenly family. You will receive the Holy Spirit and receive (spiritually speaking) a new heart. You will receive peace with God and you will always have access to Him. You will not be lost after death, but will receive eternal life in Heaven!

If you reject the gift, you will not be saved. This means eternal separation from God after death. Now is your chance!

You can accept God’s gift in prayer now!

The following prayer is not a formula. This means that you can also say the prayer in your own words. It is best to say the words out loud.

The most important thing is that you tell Jesus that you believe in what He did for you on the Cross. And that you tell Him that you want to live with Him and invite Him into your heart.


“Dear LORD JESUS, <— insert ID in HTML

I believe that you paid for my guilt, my mistakes and my weaknesses on the Cross. And that is why I now give you all my guilt.

(If you want, you can tell Him specific sins and ask Him for forgiveness)

Thank you, Jesus, for forgiving me!
Jesus, I invite you into my heart.
I give you my life.
Be my Lord and my guide!
Please fill me with your Holy Spirit!

Thank you for saving me now and and that I have become your child!

Your new life as a beloved child of God

Have you accepted God’s gift for you in prayer? We would like to congratulate you on this decision! We welcome you into God’s family and wish you much joy and blessings on your journey with Jesus!

Get help on your way with Jesus

Below the contact form you will find help on how you can live with Jesus now.

Share this message

Tell other people about your decision for Jesus!

You can also share this message.

For example, you can post the link on your social networks.

Or you can share the link or the message with people personally.

Short call:
Please tell us your first decision for Jesus

Please let us know when you have given your life to Jesus for the first time! We would love to hear it! You can do so by filling out the contact form below.

One sentence or a few lines are enough!

Or if you want to tell us more:
If you want, you can also get help, for example with a spiritual need, a prayer request or with your first steps in your new life with Jesus.


Or write us an email

We would love to answer your questions, pray for you etc.
[email protected]

Steps for your life with Jesus

If you have decided to follow Jesus, here you can find help on how you can follow Him now.

These are topics that will strengthen your relationship with Jesus.

We are happy to help you with this.

Spirit Baptism (Baptism in the Holy Spirit):

Ask God for the baptism in the Holy Spirit.

This is not the same as water baptism, but God wants to baptize you in His Spirit (spiritually) and equip you with His power. As a result, you can pray in new languages, which is also called speaking in tongues. This is your heavenly prayer language between you and God. This allows you to be strengthened again and again by the Holy Spirit.


Get a Bible.

You can order free Bibles or parts of the Bible (e.g. the New Testament) on the Internet. Or search the Internet for an audio Bible (mp3 etc.). Or look for an online Bible and read the Bible online.


Look online for a non-denominational church (e. g. free evangelical) in your area that is based on the Bible and open to the work of the Holy Spirit.

Water Baptism (Baptism in water):

The water baptism symbolizes that you have died and risen with Jesus by choosing Jesus. Let other Christians baptize you. Look online for a non-denominational church (e. g. free evangelical) or christian community near you that can baptize you by immersion in water.

Other help:

Spend time with Jesus personally in prayer and worship. Share your faith with other Christians. Also see if there is a home group or a meeting in a church where you can learn more about following Jesus (“discipleship”).

Jetzt nimm Dir Zeit für eine Begegnung mit dem Heiligen Geist:
Hier kannst Du den Heiligen Geist spürbar erleben:
Erlebe die Kraft vom Heiligen Geist

Die ersten vier Schritte auf Deinem Weg mit Jesus (als Empfehlung):
Geistestaufe (Taufe im Heiligen Geist)
Wassertaufe (Taufe im Wasser)
Weitere Artikel zum Thema Jüngerschaft (Jesus nachfolgen)

Hast Du Fragen zum Glauben?
Oder hast Du Dich für Jesus entschieden und willst jetzt im Glauben wachsen?

Dann findest Du auch hilfreiche Beiträge auf der Unterseite:
(Beiträge über Jesus nachfolgen)

Willst Du Kontakt zu anderen Christen aufnehmen?
Suche ein Treffen mit Christen vor Ort und/oder auch im Internet. Mehr dazu, auch mit Kontaktadressen im Artikel:
Gemeinschaft (Kurzversion)
Gemeinschaft (Ausführlicher)
Oder schau dazu selbst mit einer Internetsuchmaschine nach einer Gemeinde, einem Hauskreis, christlichem Treffen etc.
Auch hier findest Du hilfreiche Kontaktadressen:
Für Menschen in Not

Hast Du Nöte oder Probleme?
Bitte beachte, dass wir selbst manches nicht anbieten können. Aber Dir kann geholfen werden: Für Menschen in Not bzw. in schwierigen Situationen findest Du hier hilfreiche Kontaktadressen und Links (z.B. Gebet, weitere Hilfen etc.):
Für Menschen in Not