Water Baptism (Short Version)

This article is one of the “4 Steps on your Way with Jesus”, see overview:

On the subject of water baptism:

  • An important step in your new life with Jesus is the so-called water baptism. Baptism means being immersed in water by another Christian. This is a sign that you have given your life to God and now want to live with Him.
  • In the Bible, we read that people were completely immersed. A sprinkling or splashing with just a little water is not enough. The baptism can be, for example, in nature in a lake, river or in the sea. Or in a swimming pool, in a bathtub, in a paddling pool etc.
  • You don’t need any specific preparation before baptism. You don’t have to study much or become “more sanctified or more holy” before you can be baptised. The first Christians were baptised immediately after their decision for Jesus.
  • You have eternal life from God from the moment when you chose Jesus, gave your life to Him, and invited Him into your heart.
    Then you will have your sins forgiven and a sure place in heaven for eternity. This is what happened when you converted to Jesus. This is not something that will only happen with baptism or only when you take other steps.
  • Water baptism symbolises that you died (spiritually) and were buried underwater. When you come out of the water, it symbolically means that you have risen again.
    It means that you have a new life from God as a child of God. It symbolises that Jesus rose from the grave on the third day after His crucifixion and came to life again. That happened on the first Easter.
  • Any Christian who is baptised himself can baptise you.
  • A baptism of babies, as it happens in many churches, is not right. Because a baby wasn’t asked before if it wanted to live with God.
  • Children can be baptised if they have made a clear decision for Jesus. There is no specific age limit.
  • Perhaps you will find a congregation (e.g. a free church) or other Christians who can baptise you.

Here you will find detailed explanations on this topic: Water Baptism (detailed article)

We wish you much joy and blessings!

Link to the detailed article in English (Link zum ausführlichen Artikel auf Englisch):
Water Baptism (detailed article)

Link to the children’s article in German (Link zum Kinder-Artikel auf Deutsch):
Wassertaufe (Kinderversion)

Link to the detailed article in German (Link zum ausführlichen Artikel auf Deutsch):
Wassertaufe (ausführlicher Artikel)

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