Experience the Power of the Holy Spirit!
Here you can open yourself while listening to the audio recording to the Holy Spirit and experience an encounter with Him!
First start the audio recording below. Then, while you are listening to the audio recording, continue reading.
You can find helpful tips in the text below for your encounter with Jesus while you are still listening to the audio recording.
The audio recording is meant for leading people into an encounter with God and a touch from Him.
Have you already accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour? If not or if you are not sure about it, then please first read the message: Message For You!
The music recording includes “singing in tongues”/ ”singing in the spirit”, a gift from the Holy Spirit.
To the audio recording:
ca. 25 min. Download mp3
Continue reading while you are listening to the audio recording:
If you already have given your life to Jesus (if not: please look at the message first), then the Holy Spirit has come into you.
Tell Jesus that you long for an encounter with Him … Ask Jesus to tangibly fill you with His Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit wants to fill you again and again and to meet you.
Let the Holy Spirit fill your whole being, every corner of your whole person … The Holy Spirit can tangibly touch you like a fire, warmth, love, peace, joy, security … It may also be that you react physically under His power, such as dancing, laughing or trembling under His power … Don’t be afraid, He is good and His touch is good for you!
Give Jesus everything that is currently burdening you or occupying your thoughts. Throw all your worries and troubles on Him …
Ask Jesus to meet you in your circumstances right now. He loves spending time with you!
Tell Jesus that you love Him. Thank Him for the fact that He loved you first when He died on the cross for all your guilt (sins). Thank Him that His love has been poured out into your heart through the Holy Spirit!
Thank Jesus that He rose from the grave on the third day after His death on the cross. He returned to the Father in heaven. And when you gave your life to Him with your personal decision, He took you to heaven, too, with your spirit.
You have been given eternal life with Jesus in heaven! Receive this heavenly joy of belonging to Jesus forever as a child of God!
You are closely connected to Jesus, through the connection (unity) of your spirit and the Spirit of Jesus, the Holy Spirit! Your human spirit is in intimate fellowship with the spirit of God through your decision for Jesus! Enjoy this intimate fellowship with the Holy Spirit … Take some time before you read on to let Him fill you completely …
Worship God and thank Him for His wonderful Holy Spirit! Thank you, Jesus, for your sacrifice and your gift of eternal life!
Worship Jesus now with your own words … Just as it comes to you … Let the Holy Spirit overflow your heart … Worship Jesus …
This time is your very personal time with Jesus, with your own personal words that you can say to Him … Maybe you just want to worship Him with a sentence like “Jesus, I love you” … Or you want to sing … Or you just want to worship Him quietly right now … Just worship Him, whether loudly, softly or silently …
Allow the Holy Spirit to guide your worship … Let Him overflow your heart and mouth …
Ask Jesus to give you the gift of worshipping God in the Holy Spirit through speaking in tongues. Speaking in tongues is speaking in a language that the Holy Spirit gives you that you don’t understand yourself. Ask Him for this heavenly gift!
Speaking in tongues is also a “secret” prayer language between you and God. You may not understand it, but God understands it! You pour out your heart to Him …
A simple prayer is enough, in which you tell God that you also want to pray in tongues.
And then just worship Him, first in your native tongue and expect that the new prayer languages will then flow as you pray. Do not do this with pressure, but direct your focus on Jesus.
For some people the words will flow out immediately, with others it starts with a single word or short sentence. It is also often the case that you already hear the words in your mind and then start to say them out loud. Then a “flow” can start, so that more words are flowing out.
Just say out loud what comes. Even if it might sound funny. Or if it’s always the same words or repeatedly the same 1-2 syllables. Speak it out and trust God to put the prayer language in your mouth.
This may sound different to everyone.
You can also watch this video of prayer for Spirit baptism and to receive your prayer language:
You can listen to the video even while the music recording “Heavenly Sounds” is still running …
To the video:
(External link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HppT3sKiztw)
(The video contains English subtitles as a translation for the German text. The subtitles can be activated or deactivated by clicking on the “Captions” icon.)
And if it takes a little longer, just hang in there! God still loves you no more and no less, whether you have received the prayer in tongues or not.
Take time now to ask Jesus for more freedom … Ask Him for freedom in your soul, your mind and your body. Freedom from every false bondage, whether mental, physical or demonic in nature.
Break free from every demon of the devil in your life in the name of Jesus! In the name of Jesus you are now free from every work of the devil! Command out loud: “Every demon is now made ineffective, is disempowered and is now leaving me permanently in the name of Jesus Christ! I command in the name of Jesus that no demon can torment me anymore! I belong to Jesus!”
If you still have things from your “old” life (before your decision to live with Jesus), that are not in God’s will, then throw them away. This means, for example, occult things like tarot card, objects related to magic, books about esoterics etc.
Separate yourself from wrong habits (and possibly the things associated with them) that are not in Jesus’ will. These include smoking, drugs, pornography, etc. If necessary, seek help to get free from these.
All of this is not from the Holy Spirit, but from demonic spirits that are not from God.
And say to Jesus: “Jesus, please wash with your blood and fill everything in me with your Holy Spirit where there was previously bondage!”
Ask Jesus to flow with His healing even into emotional, psychological and physical illness or sickness. Jesus promised His followers that they have authority over illness. If you can, place your hands on the places where you need healing and say: “In the name of Jesus Christ, I command healing into _____ (name the affected areas)!”
Note: Sometimes it can take some time for healing to occur. Then pray again. God loves you, even if healing would take some time.
And please seek (or continue to get) medical help (if necessary).
Note (depression, loneliness, burn-out etc.)
If you notice or suspect symptoms of physical or mental illnesses in you, then speak openly with your doctor about it.
But God is your Creator, He gave you this life and He made your soul.
In addition to medical help, you should also seek help from God. He knows you. He knows how you feel. He knows what you’re missing.
He can fill you with genuine love and joy and give you lasting meaning and peace in your life.
Ask Jesus to speak to you personally, right now … He is your Good Shepherd and you are His sheep who can hear His voice (see John 10). No matter what it is, ask Him: “Jesus, what do you want to tell me right now?” Expect that He can speak to you when He wants to. You may perceive His speaking by Him giving you a Bible verse or you may perceive it internally as internal words/thoughts or as internal images in your mind.
Thank Jesus for this time with Him!
If you have already accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour (please first read the message) then you can receive the gift of praying in tongues and therefore receive the gift of singing in tongues from Him.
More about this and how to receive the gift of praying in tongues, see the article “10 Reasons for Speaking and Praying in Tongues” (see there below the article). And you can also read about it in the articles “Spirit Baptism (Detailed Version)” and “Spirit Baptism (Short Version)”.
The recording is also the background music of the message in some versions of the “Message For You!”.
Here you can read more information and the interesting story behind the music recording: Explanation on the Music Recording “Heavenly Sounds”
If you need help with deliverance or prayer from other Christians, or you need help with mental or other needs and problems:
For people in need or in difficult situations, you can find helpful contact addresses here: For people in need (pastoral care, emergencies, etc.)
Have you made your decision for Jesus and now want to grow in your faith?
Then you will also find helpful articles on this subpage:
Discipleship Articles
Do you want to get in touch with other Christians?
Look for a meeting with Christians locally and/or on the Internet, which has the bible as their foundation. More on this, also with contact addresses linked in the article:
Fellowship (short version)
Fellowship (more detailed)
Or use an Internet search engine to look for a community, a home group, Christian meeting, etc.
You will also find helpful contact addresses here:
For people in need (pastoral care, emergencies, etc.)
Dive deeper into the Holy Spirit by seeking His presence in your own prayer time and while worshipping!