Website Updates (26th March 2019)

In the past few days we have updated some areas of the website.

Please look at the following overview of the new/updated areas. Make sure that you do not miss important updates and new content (e.g. new subpages) on our website!

Here is the overview with links to the new/updated subpages:

  • We have done some work on the (right) sidebar of the website. We have added some new elements there.
  • New subpages (geman and english):
    (also Kontakt and Contact)
  • New subpages (geman and english):
    Spread The Message
    (and Verbreite die Botschaft and Spread The Message)

    The project “Message For You!” is about sharing the World’s Best Message! It is all about spreading the world’s best message all over the world and reaching people. You too can become a messenger and spread the message!
    Please first take a look at the message which is the most central topic of this website: To the Message!

  • On some subpages we have added  hyperlinks to the world’s best message. You can find it here: Message For You!
  • In the menu we have added some “overview menu items” that will lead you to a subpage that contains the links on one page. You can find them in the sub menus that have many sub menu items (links) in them. For example: Below the menu item “Topics” we have added the sub menu item “Topics (Overview)”.
    In the menu it will look like this:
    Topics —> Topics (Overview)
    Please take a look at these menu items in the menu of our website.
  • We have created so called “sitemaps” as new subpages.
    The sitemaps will give you an overview of the structure of and help you to find the content faster and more easily. The sitemaps have the same structure as the header menu in the desktop view and as the black “hamburger menu button” in the mobile view. Maybe the sitemaps will help you navigating on mobile devices.
    The sitemaps are (at this moment) available in multilingual, english and in german. Please see these links: Sitemap (Multilingual), Sitemap (English) and Sitemap (German).


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