Sitemap/ Menu (Multilingual)

This sitemap will give you an overview of the structure of and help you to find the content faster and more easily. The sitemap has the same structure as the header menu in the desktop view and as the black “hamburger menu button” in the mobile view. Maybe the sitemap will help you navigating on mobile devices.
You can click in the links below. Below the sitemap you can find more links to (sub) pages with overviews/ lists that will help you to find our content more easily.

Please first take a look at the message which is the most central topic of this website: To the Message!

The sitemap:

This is the multilingual menu (multi language menu): You can also choose the language of the website. You can choose your language in the menu with the flags in the top right corner of the the website in the header, in the “hamburger menu” (mobile view only) and at the bottom of the right sidebar.
Then the website will adjust itself to the language you selected. The website’s navigation menus will then adjust to this language. Or you can use the links with the flags below to get to the sitemap in other languages.
Please note: This is not to be confused with Google Translate!


More helpful overview pages:

List of all our (sub) pages (multilingual): Here you can find a list of all our (sub) pages. You find these pages in the list below this introduction. IMPORTANT: This list ONLY contains the so called “(sub) pages”. They are articles/subpages which we do NOT send to the E-Mail Subscription and that will NOT show in the News pages and in the News Feed as List (Multilingual). The list of the (sub) pages is in chronological order, so you will find the latest pages on the top of the list. Click here: Pages Feed as List (Multilingual)

List of all our english News articles: Here you can find a list of all the News posts (also known as articles or blog posts). They are in chronological order. The latest news articles on the top of the list. Here you can find all the articles that we send to the E-Mail Subscription. Click here: To the list of all our News articles (all languages combined)

News: You can also read our latest News online in full length on one page. Click here: News

Subscribe: Here you can subscribe to our News (new articles/ blog posts) in several different ways: Subscribe

Topics overview: You can find an overview of the topics of this website here: Topics

Article Archive: You can find the article archive of this website here: Article Archive.


Link to this page in English (Link zu dieser Seite auf Englisch):
Sitemap (English)

Link to this page in German (Link zu dieser Seite auf Deutsch):
Sitemap (German/Deutsch)

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