You can order and share the MFY Trolley Coins and share them with people or leave them in different places (like benches etc.) and thereby share the message!
From time to time we, or also other people, give away these red trolley coins/trolley tokens… Or we leave them intentionally in different places… Or we “forget” them intentionally in a shopping trolley…
Why we do that?
Because we want to reach people with the best message of the world! On the backside of the MFY Trolley Coins people can find the link of the MFY website – and so find the message!
Get to know more about the background of the MFY Trolley Coins and why we and other people are sharing them: Have you found or got a MFY Trolley Coin?
How and where you can order the MFY Trolley Coins:
Order the MFY Trolley Coins
On this page you can find creative sharing ideas for the MFY Trolley Coins (and also many photos): Sharing Ideas for the MFY Trolley Coins
And here you can find more ideas with the MFY Trolley Coins: Photos and Pictures with the MFY Trolley Coins
On this page you can find creative craft and gift ideas with the MFY Trolley Coins (and also many photos): Craft and Gift Ideas for the MFY Trolley Coins
And even more: You can find many more ideas and articles on the MFY Trolley Coins subpage.
Click here:
To the MFY Trolley Coins subpage
If you don’t know the message yet then please first watch it:
Click here:
To The Message!
(There you can choose the desired language and then watch the message)
We wish you all the best!
Share the message with the world!
Thanks for sharing the message!
Message For You! is all about spreading the world’s best message all over the world and reaching people. You too can become a messenger and share the message!
More on the “Spread The Message” main subpage:
On the following subpage you can find out more about what you can do to help spread the World’s Best Message:
To the “Spread The Message” main subpage
Link to this page in German (Link zu dieser Seite auf Deutsch):
Unsere (fast) tägliche Routine: MFY-Einkaufswagenchips
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