Website Updates (23rd May 2018)

In the past few days we have updated some areas of the website.

Please look at the following overview of the new/updated areas. Make sure that you do not miss important updates and new content (e.g. new subpages) on our website!

Here is the overview with links to the new/updated subpages:

  • New subpages (English and German): Comment Subscriptions (Kommentar-Abos)
    Here you can find and subscribe to the comment subscriptions.
    Please also take a look at the main subpage Subscribe with more ways how you can subscribe to the project Message For You!.
  • New subpages (English and German): Article Overview – MFY Trolley Coins (Artikel-Übersicht – MFY-Einkaufswagenchips)
    There you can find an overview with articles especially about the MFY Trolley Coins.
  • New or updated subpages (English and German): MFY Trolley Coins (MFY-Einkaufswagenchips)
    This is the main subpage of the MFY Trolley Coins where you can find all posts especially about the MFY Trolley Coins.


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