Our charitable status has been recognised, donation receipts are possible

We received our first (preliminary) “exemption notice” from the tax office. Donations to us are now tax deductible, when you pay your taxes in Germany.

Your donations are tax-deductable at the german tax office. For other countries please check your local tax regulations.

Wir sind als gemeinnützige Organisation anerkannt.

Datum des letzten Freistellungsbescheids: 08.11.2023

If you would like a to get donation receipt for your tax office to deduct your donation from your taxes, please send us your data with the bank transfer purpose, via PayPal message or via the donation form. They will allow you to type a message to us. You also can use our contact subpage.

Please also see our Donation-Subpage.

Flaggensymbol Deutschland/ Sprache DeutschLink to this article in German (Link zum Artikel auf Deutsch):
Unsere Gemeinnützigkeit wurde anerkannt, Spendenbescheinigung möglich

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