Beagle Emma was – and still is – the mascot of the MFY website.
If you are a new reader and perhaps found this obituary through an internet search engine:
This website is NOT a dog website, but a website about the Christian Message, in several languages.
If you don’t know the message yet, then take a look: To the Message in English (Children’s Version)
Beagle Emma was and is used evangelistically on this website – “evangelistic” means spreading the message with Beagle Emma.
Beagle Emma has an extra subpage: “Beagle Emma and the World’s Best Message”. There we have mainly published photos of her with texts about the message – and we intend to continue to do so.
From the early days of the MFY website, we’ve had a photo of Beagle Emma with a speech bubble saying “Message For You!” placed in the header at the top of the website.
When clicking on the picture, the reader gets to a subpage “Beagle Emma delivers the Message”. There the reader is then led to the message. We were led to do so by a (prophetic) impression back then.
There is also a Children’s Version of the Message since 2014, in which Beagle Emma also plays a small role as a “cartoon character” in a few pictures.
The pictures are also available in form of videos (without animation), also in the Children’s Version of the Message.
And the pictures are also available as colouring pictures.
More scenes with Beagle Emma from the Children’s Version:
Beagle Emma in the videos of the Children’s Version of the Message:
At the moment, the videos are only available in German. But you can read the message with the same coloured drawings as in the video in the article below:
Children’s Version of the Message
Short version:
(External link to the video: )
Detailed Version – Part 1:
(External link to the video: )
Part 2:
(External link to the video: )
Beagle Emma will continue to be a part of the MFY website
First of all: We have decided to keep the texts and pictures and other things about Beagle Emma online on the MFY website. We have also decided to edit and upload new photos of her that we haven’t published yet with texts about the message. We will go into more detail on that later in this obituary.
We have also used Beagle Emma evangelistically outside of the Internet. Outdoors, we often had encounters with people and conversations about the message. What we did particularly often was to hand out the MFY Trolley Coins, while walking with Emma. We use the MFY Trolley Coins since 2014.
We either hand the MFY Trolley Coins directly to people or place them outdoors (e.g. on benches, on electricity boxes, etc.) for people to find them. We like to do this often. In this way we distribute many MFY Trolley Coins.
This has been one of our regular routines: In the left pocket of our trousers we carried the MFY Trolley Coins and in the right pocket we carried the dog treats for Beagle Emma. We always thought it was so funny when Emma watched us giving someone a MFY Trolley Coin… because Emma thought she would get a treat, too – which she usually got.
We often said to the people we met and to whom we gave a MFY Trolley Coin: “Here is a gift for you… This is a trolley coin. There is a link on it with an important message!” And we also said to them that Emma is also the website’s mascot and that there are photos of her on the website, too.
And took many photos of Beagle Emma, indoors and outdoors.
Beagle Emma was and is part of MFY, so to speak.
And then Emma unfortunately passed away suddenly and unexpectedly on October 25th, 2021.
This obituary comes a year later. Why? Because the death of Beagle Emma affected us very much. We don’t know how she died. The loss hurts us a lot and it’s still painful now, a year later. We miss her very much.
In the midst of the founding process of the gUG
It was in the midst of our already difficult start-up period… in the midst of the founding process of the Message For You! gUG (haftungsbeschränkt), a non-profit limited liability organisation with the main purpose (cause) of spreading the Christian Message.
The founding period was characterized by spiritual attacks, formal hurdles, a storm damage, an accident which caused a laceration that requied stitches, several appointments with craftsmen (including water damage and then a fault in the gas heating by a craftsman, where another craftsman said we could have had died of carbon monoxide poisoning etc.), then also attacks by non-believing people who deliberately put obstacles in our way against the founding of this mission organisation, etc. And there were other strokes of fate, for example a relative died and his funeral was three days before Emma’s death. And on October 23rd was Julia’s birthday.
We have now summarized that very briefly and there was so much more that was difficult at that time. Not to forget the Corona crisis (Corona epidemic with many developments over the years).
The last time we saw Emma was on October 23rd, on Julia’s birthday. That day we had taken a nice walk with Emma. Then two days later, on October 25th, Emma wasn’t with us, but was with the other family for a few days as usual. And that’s when we received the bad news, that she passed away suddenly.
We were in shock and sadness for the next few days. And it was very difficult for us to keep going. Again, we can’t put it into words how difficult it was…
We were still busy with a number of registrations, formalities, etc. during that time. We had the impression that we should make the notary appointment (to have the non-profit registered) by the end of the year 2021.
It was 2 months before Christmas so time was getting tight. We were told by the notary’s office that there were only three (!) slots for appointments left before Christmas, otherwise it would not be possible again until around mid-January or later. The notary appointment was finally on December 10th, 2021. On February 9th, 2022, the gUG was finally registered at the companies register. And in mid-March we received the official notice of the recognition of our non-profit status by the tax office).
After the foundation came a big breakthrough
The breakthrough came right after the foundation! Because just a short time after the founding, God had made it possible for us to reach hundreds and eventually thousands of people worldwide with the message through several online strategies – until today.
Every day, more than 1,000 people from about 100 countries visit (and still come) the message of the website in several languages. If we had given up on founding the organisation, we would not be experiencing this now.
And for the most part, it’s the Children’s Version of the Message – with Beagle Emma as a cartoon character – that’s the version of the message that gets the most attention (online visitors).
We are so grateful to God for carrying and helping us through this time. If it wasn’t for the MFY Vision, then we might have given up during that time. But the entire project of MFY sprang forth out of the vision and has been confirmed time and time again by God’s speaking. That gave us the strength to keep going in spite of all the difficult obstacles. And we know that we are doing this project out of His grace and that humbles us.
Unfortunately, the joy of founding the organisation was clouded by the fact that Emma is no longer with us.
About the obituary for Beagle Emma:
As we write this obituary, it is not easy for us to find the right words. But we would like to write you a few lines about Beagle Emma and what she means to us and also what she means to MFY.
Emma was born in April 2012, probably in the border region of Germany and Poland. Emma then came to a family as a puppy, but they wanted to give it up shortly afterwards because they had changed their mind.
Then Emma came to the next family, to which she then belonged. As a puppy, she had the insides of her ears covered in black dirt, probably from coal dust. And she was very shy and frightened. It is believed that she was bred in a coal cellar somewhere in Poland. The second family took good care of her.
It then turned out that they needed dog sitters and so Emma often came to us. Little by little, Emma was with us more and more often. In recent years she has been with us for the most part, so she was our “family member” for us as well. We loved Emma and had often taken walks in nature with her. Emma was a lovely dog with quirks, but we loved her for that.
Two years later, in 2014, this project was born – MFY. However, the project was NOT created as a dog page because of Beagle Emma, but by a vision from God.
And as we mentioned earlier, we used Emma evangelistically. Beagles are bred for hunting. So her persistence was also a metaphor for MFY.
A request to you:
Feel free to share the Beagle photos and all other evangelistic posts about Beagle Emma
We encourage you to continue sharing and using the Beagle photos and all other evangelistic posts about Beagle Emma.
And – God knows – Beagle Emma can perhaps also be evangelistic (like a pioneer) by encouraging other dog owners to also use their own dog evangelistically: By sharing the MFY Trolley Coins or by passing on the Beagle pictures to other dog fans etc.
But we also believe that God can continue to use Beagle Emma with all the material that has been released. God knows – maybe there will be a testimony that someone was converted (and got saved) through a beagle photo or through landing on a post via an Internet search engine and looked at the message and found Jesus. That would be great. Maybe we will see that later, too, just as the breakthrough came after the founding. But since testimonies and feedback on the Internet are often rare, we will probably see most of the fruit from heaven only and not in this life.
By the way, we don’t want to have a new dog in the near future, neither as a dog sitter nor as a dog owner. It may well be that we will have a dog one day, but not yet.
Traces of Love
We could write so much more about Beagle Emma, for example that she had her favourite armchair in the flat that only she sat in and nobody else. Now the armchair is empty and instead of Emma we have put a pillow in shape of a heart in it.
We believe that we will see Emma again in heaven. We believe that pets will be there as well.
When Emma was gone, it was like part of MFY was gone. She was part of the MFY team: Beagle Emma from MFY.
As we said, we have decided to continue to use the pictures and things evangelistically.
Even today, even a year later, since Emma left, we find dog hairs in the flat on our carpets and on the blankets.
When we found a single dog hair shortly after Emma’s death, we cried over it. But now when we find a dog hair, we remember that Emma has left traces. Traces of all the beautiful moments with her.
And also traces of all the encounters with people that were caused by Beagle Emma… As well as the traces of the MFY Trolley Coins that were distributed and maybe like the dog hair will not disappear anymore… We also want to leave traces with MFY when we do leave this world. And we want it to continue with MFY.
But what we now have from Beagle Emma is love.
“Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.
For we know in part and we prophesy in part,
but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears.
When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.
For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”
(1st Corinthians 13, 8-13 NIV)
And with that we would like to conclude this obituary.
Julia and Tobias
More posts with Beagle Emma:
You can find more posts with Beagle Emma at:
Link to this article in German (Link zum Artikel auf Deutsch):
Nachruf auf Beagle Emma (2012 – 2021)
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