Less articles than usual (Short information for e-mail subscribers)

This information is for readers who receive our e-mail subscription:

Dear e-mail subscribers,

at the moment we are publishing less new articles than usual on our webpage.

This also means: Because of that we send less articles (=e-mails) than usual to our e-mail subscribers.

But: That will return to the usual frequency, soon!

Therefore: Please have some patience and do not unsubscribe from the e-mail subscription.

Thank you for your understanding.

Another information for our readers who do not receive our e-mail subscription (yet):

If you want to get notified via e-mail when we publish new articles then you can use our e-mail subscription: To the E-mail subscription

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best regards,
the MFY Team


Link to this page in German (Link zu dieser Seite auf Deutsch):
Weniger neue Artikel als sonst (Kurze Info an E-Mail-Abonnenten)

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