First please note:
The Global Outreach Day is NOT from us. With this post we are only introducing it to you!
The next Global Outreach Day is on 27th May 2023 !
Feel free to note the date in your calendar!
The Global Outreach Day takes place every year on 1 day and worldwide.
The vision is to unite Christians from all over the world to share the best message of the world, the gospel, on 1 day in different countries.
Find out more about this worldwide action on the website (NOT from us). There you can find further information and ressources like sharing ideas, material and testimonies/stories from all over the world, from different countries.
Here are some links from the website of the Global Outreach Day with material and sharing ideas:
(NOT from us)
You can also find the action on Facebook (there are also more Facebook pages of the Global Outreach Day from other countries).
We from think this action is fantastic!
That’s why we love to share it with this article as an information…
…and with offering our evangelistic material for free to use and share it! You can find it in the following links…
Here are the links with material and sharing ideas from us, from You can share the material on this date and of course also on other days:
Here’s an important tip:
Be led by the Holy Spirit! That means: Just ask Him what you can do or what you can share, in which place, with which person, at which time etc. … Just be led by Him. You will surely recognise it when the chance is there. It’s not difficult to recognise God’s voice.
You can also do a “treasure hunt” with the Holy Spirit who leads you to the “treasure” (the person). More about this in another article from our other website: “What is treasure hunt with the Holy Spirit?” (Prophetic Evangelism), the link is an automatic translation from Google. Here is the original article in German: “Was ist Schatzsuche mit dem Heiligen Geist?”
You can find more tips and ideas in the Mission/Evangelism Articles.