Evangelistic Outreaches

With the Message you can reach out to someone!

This subpage is about evangelistic outreaches, actions and activities in general. Here you can find inspiring ideas and articles about sharing the message in your environment and in your everyday life.
You can also find stories about evangelistic activities.

This topic is partially overlapping with the topic discipleship/following Jesus and the topic mission, so please also take a look at the subpages Discipleship and Mission.
You can find all topics on the page “More Articles”.

Do you have questions regarding this topic?
Then please view this article: Questions And Answers (FAQ, Frequently Asked Questions)


Evangelistic outreaches, actions, activities:

  • On the subpage Spread The Message you can find an overview with different ways how you can spread the message.


More evangelistic outreaches, actions, activities (not from us):



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With the Evangelistic Outreaches Feed you can get notified via e-mail every time when a new post about evangelistic outreaches, actions and activities (e.g. articles about evangelistic outreaches or pictures and photos or videos about evangelistic outreaches etc.) is released.

More articles about mission and evangelism on the
Mission main subpage

There are more articles about mission and evangelism that you can find by clicking on this link:


More articles about mission and evangelism on the Children’s Page:

There are also articles about mission and evangelism for children that you can find by clicking on this link:


More articles about mission and evangelism with
Beagle Emma

There are also articles about mission and evangelism with Beagle Emma that you can find by clicking on this link:


More Topics:

You can find more topics on the page:


Link to this page in German (Link zu dieser Seite auf Deutsch):
Evangelistische Aktionen