Tag Archives: Holy Spirit Baptism

Spirit Baptism

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In His Presence Light

This article is one of the “4 steps on the path of discipleship”, see overview:

When hiking, it is important that you have something to drink with you. So that you don’t die of thirst on the way. It is also important that you keep drinking during your spiritual “wandering”, your following with Jesus. The water is symbolic of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a Person, He is God (cf. 2 Corinthians 3:17). When you have given your life to Jesus , the Holy Spirit has come and abides in you. Through Him you have been spiritually, inwardly, born again and become a child of God (see John 14:15-26).

But you can also be filled with the Holy Spirit again and again. You can imagine that the Holy Spirit is like an inner source in you. The source is already there, but you decide for yourself whether you drink from it or not. Therefore, it is important that you also drink this living water… and be refreshed again and again by Him (cf. John 7:37-39).

It is also important for discipleship that you are baptized in the Holy Spirit. To live in His power, just as the early Christians were filled with the power of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost (see Acts 2). You can also say “baptism in the Spirit” or “baptism in the Holy Spirit”.

In the following you will learn what the baptism of the Spirit is, why you need it and how you can receive it from God.

“What is the baptism of the Spirit?”

But first, let’s look at what Spirit baptism is not :

The difference between Spirit baptism and water baptism

The final topic in this 4 Steps in the Path of Discipleship series is water baptism . Therefore, in this part, we do not just call the baptism of the Spirit “baptism” to distinguish it from water baptism. To briefly explain the difference: Spirit baptism (baptism in the Holy Spirit) is the endowment with the power of the Holy Spirit. Water baptism (immersion in water), on the other hand, is the confession before the physical and spiritual world for the decision for Jesus.

The difference between conversion and baptism in the Spirit

Spirit baptism and water baptism are not necessary for salvation. You are only saved by your decision for Jesus.

The Holy Spirit has been in you since your conversion and will remain in you. That was not the baptism in the Spirit, but your spiritual rebirth. This means that you have become God’s child at that moment. For no one can be a child of God without the Holy Spirit ( cf. Romans 8:9; Romans 8:15-16).

Jesus gave the disciples the Holy Spirit after His resurrection (cf. John 20:22).
But before His ascension, He gave the disciples an additional instruction to remain in Jerusalem until they received the power of the Holy Spirit (cf. Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4-5). That happened at Pentecost (see Acts 2).
What the first Christians experienced at Pentecost was the baptism in the Spirit. And not only the early Christians, but also the other people who later converted, received the baptism of the Spirit (cf. Acts 10:45-46; Acts 19:6). This promise therefore applies to all who have believed in Jesus. Every Christian can experience it – even today. You too can receive “your personal Pentecost” from God.

The baptism of the Spirit, in contrast to the inner rebirth, is the endowment with the power of the Holy Spirit.

When you turned to Jesus, the Holy Spirit came into you. This was an inward event as the Holy Spirit reborn your human spirit into a child of God. The Holy Spirit has taken up residence within you and is changing you inside (see Galatians 5:22; Ephesians 5:9).

When you are baptized in the Spirit, the power of the Holy Spirit flows out of you. This is an external event as it becomes visible to others as well. Because that way you will be enabled by God to serve other people in His power. More on that later…

There is one sign of the baptism in the Spirit that is visible to all: speaking in new languages

At Pentecost all Christians present received the supernatural speaking in new tongues or “tongues” (see Acts 2:4). It is also called “prayer in tongues” or “prayer in tongues”.
By the way, you can read more about praying in tongues in other articles that are listed at the end of this article (eg the article “10 reasons for speaking and praying in tongues”).

Later, other believers received tongues when they were baptized in the Spirit (cf. Acts 10:45-46; Acts 19:6).

Therefore one can assume that speaking in tongues is the sign of the baptism of the Spirit (ie the visible sign that one has received the baptism of the Spirit).

There are other signs that follow at or after the baptism in the Spirit

In all the verses of the Bible in which Christians receive the baptism of the Spirit, there is also talk of tongues. At no point did a Christian receive the baptism of the Spirit without speaking in tongues.
However, in addition to receiving the prayer in tongues, there are other signs that follow at or after the baptism in the Spirit:

In Acts 19:6 you can read how the people who believed in Jesus began to speak in tongues and also to prophesy when Paul laid on their hands.

In Mark 16:17-18 there is a promise of Jesus with – in addition to the mentioned tongues – other signs that follow the believers: casting out of demons, supernatural protection and healing of the sick.

1 Corinthians 12:8-10 describes the gifts of the Holy Spirit (spiritual gifts) that God gives us to minister to one another. It contains speaking in new tongues, interpretation of tongues, words of wisdom, words of knowledge, faith, gifts of healing, effects of miraculous powers, prophecy (prophetic speaking) and discernment of spirits.

“Does that mean that one can receive the baptism of the Spirit without praying in tongues?”

As already mentioned, in the New Testament we read nothing about a Christian having received the baptism of the Spirit without speaking in tongues.

But a Christian may have received the baptism of the Spirit but not yet started to practice speaking in tongues. If this is the case, there can be various reasons: the Christian may not know anything about praying in tongues (eg if he has not yet read the Bible) or he does not want to pray in tongues (due to inhibitions about the gift).

God accepts our free will, therefore also if one does not want to pray in tongues. But one should then consider why one does not want to devote oneself to God in this area, when this promise is due to every Christian. Jesus announced tongues to His followers (cf. Mark 16:17). Paul also said to be zealous for spiritual gifts (cf. 1 Corinthians 14:1) and that he desired everyone to speak in tongues (cf. 1 Corinthians 14:5). All of this shows that it is really possible for every Christian, i.e. accessible. And in 1 Corinthians 14:39 Paul writes that speaking in tongues “should not be prevented”.
So if the Christian is not yet praying in tongues, then either he has not reached out for it or he is preventing it because he is reluctant to do so.

Prayer in tongues and baptism in the Spirit are not necessary for salvation

This does not mean, however, that a Christian without the baptism of the Spirit or without speaking in tongues would not be converted. You are saved even without this work of the Holy Spirit if you have already given your life to Jesus. For in the spiritual rebirth you were saved.
But the baptism in the Spirit is another step that you should take. It is God’s will for all His children that we be endowed with His power! So straight to the next question:

“Why do I need the baptism of the Spirit?”

First of all, it is important to understand:

Every Christian needs the baptism of the Holy Spirit

Just as Jesus told the disciples to wait until they received “power from on high” (see Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4-5), so every Christian should wait (= he should be full of expectation) . ) until he personally receives the baptism of the Spirit.

You need the baptism of the Spirit in order to minister to other people in the power of the Holy Spirit

The ministry to other people can be in your everyday life, at work or anywhere else where you can let God use you. Your ministry can also be accompanied by the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit (see 1 Corinthians 12-14).

You can also find other articles in audio and text form on the subject of spiritual gifts on our other website Prophetenschule.org under The Work of the Holy Spirit (in German).
You can also find explanatory articles on the subject of vocation on our website, for example in the article “How do I find my calling?” (in German). There is an overview with further articles on the subject.

The ministry of the disciples was only effective (to a greater extent) after they received the baptism of the Spirit. Please understand this correctly: Of course, God can use you even before your baptism in the Spirit. Because if He tells you something spontaneously, for example, then you should do the same. But in the long run, you need the baptism of the Spirit to work out of His fullness. The river of God wants to flow out of you (see John 7:37-39) and into this world.

The baptism of the Spirit is a greater fullness in God

You can stand with your feet in the water, but you can also enter the water up to your hips, even swim in it, dive in it and float with the water. And so it is with the Holy Spirit, the river of God (cf. Ezekiel 47:1-12; Revelation 22:1-2). Heavenly Father wants us to be immersed in His Spirit – if we want it too.
And you also decide for yourself how much of the abundance you want to receive. There is always “more” of God! Your relationship with God can always deepen.

“How do I receive the baptism of the Spirit from God?”

First you can trust God that you may receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit.

You don’t have to “become more holy”
before you can receive the baptism of the Spirit from God

If it were about earning, then none of us would get the baptism of the Spirit. God gives them by grace! We can only “live holy” through the Holy Spirit. We cannot do this on our own… This is why Jesus calls the Holy Spirit our “Assistant” or “Helper” (cf. John 15:26). The Holy Spirit wants to help and enable us to live by His power.
So it’s not about trying to get better and only then getting the baptism of the Spirit. You need the baptism of the Spirit, which will then change you. If you recognize this, it will set you free and it will also be easier for you to surrender yourself completely to the Holy Spirit.

Perhaps you have a big problem with a particular sin that you are not yet free from. And perhaps you believe that because of this you are “unworthy” of the baptism of the Spirit. But Jesus himself says that it is precisely the “sick” who need the doctor, Himself (see Mark 2:17). And Jesus already gave us the Holy Spirit by grace when we were converted. I think everyone here should admit that at the moment of their conversion they were still stuck in old ways.
Realize that you need the baptism of the Spirit and that God really wants to give it by grace. That sets you free. You can get the baptism of the Spirit and speaking in tongues because God is good. He only has favorite children. He likes to give gifts to all of us. Nobody is too broken or too dirty for him.
And that’s no excuse to continue sinning (see Romans 6:1-3)! It’s about letting the Holy Spirit change us (cf. 2 Corinthians 3:17-18) and not trying on our own.

Spiritual hunger is the “key”

Do you want to experience God more powerfully? Do you want your relationship with God to deepen? Do you want to live and serve by the power of the Holy Spirit?

If you can answer “yes” to all of these, then these are good prerequisites for receiving the baptism of the Spirit from God. For the “key” to this is a spiritual hunger for God! The disciples were also in this state of expectation. Since Jesus promised them power from on high, they expected it too.

Ask Jesus to baptize you in His Holy Spirit

Jesus is the Baptiser in the Holy Spirit (cf. Mark 1:6-8; John 1:32-34). You can receive the baptism of the Spirit directly from God (see Acts 2; Acts 10:44-46).

A simple prayer is enough, in which you tell God that you also want to pray in tongues.
And then just worship Him, first in your native tongue and expect that the tongues will then flow as you pray. Do not do this with pressure and spasms, but direct your focus on Jesus.
With some the words flow out immediately, with others it is only a word or sentence. It is also often the case that you already hear the words in your mind and then start to say them. There can then be a “flow” and more words flow out.

Or ask another Christian to pray with you and lay hands on you

Or you ask another Christian (who has already received the baptism in the Spirit) to pray with you and lay hands on you. That too can be true (see Acts 19:6; also 2 Timothy 1:6 speaks of the laying on of hands and receiving a gift from God).

I also made a video (German with additional subtitles in English). In it I pray for every Christian who wants the baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. If you like, you can pray with me.

To the video:

(External link to the video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HppT3sKiztw )

(The video contains English subtitles as a translation for the German text. The subtitles can be activated or deactivated by clicking on the “Captions” icon.)

How do you know that you have received the baptism of the Spirit?

As already mentioned, the visible sign of the baptism in the Spirit is speaking in tongues.
If you have just asked God for the baptism of the Spirit but are not yet praying in tongues, trust that it is yet to come. And when you hear the new words of the Holy Spirit inside you, speak them out. Even if it’s just one word, start saying it.
For some Christians, speaking in tongues comes immediately, but sometimes it can take longer. It can also take days or weeks, or as long as your own inhibitions are still there. If you feel blockages, ask God to take them away and help you surrender to Him.
And God doesn’t take away your complete control or your free will if you don’t want it to. So don’t be afraid.

If you have the time and peace to do so right now, then continue to worship God.


By the way, you can have this first experience of the baptism of the Spirit again and again!

The baptism of the Spirit itself is a one-off event. The disciples knew at Pentecost: ” Now we have received power from on high!” The baptism in the Spirit is therefore also the beginning where you come into the fullness of the Holy Spirit. The source within you has started to gush out of you!

And this source should keep gushing out of you! After all, the Holy Spirit is living water and living water keeps moving and doesn’t stand still or even seep away…
The new gushing out happens when you hold yourself towards the Holy Spirit: In a personal encounter with God, in prayer, in worship, with the (spirit-guided ) Bible reading or a (Spirit-led) sermon and teaching; in fellowship with other Christians where the Holy Spirit has space; when talking or serving with/to people who don’t know Jesus yet,…etc.

You can and should allow yourself to be filled with the Holy Spirit again and again after your baptism in the Spirit. The New Testament says that one can become “full of the Holy Spirit” (see Luke 4:1 and other passages ).
And also in Ephesians 5:18 (SLT) we are asked:

“And do not get drunk on wine, which is licentiousness,
but be filled with the Spirit;”

As an encouragement you can also read the article 10 Reasons for Speaking and Praying in Tongues.10 Reasons for Speaking and Praying in Tongues. You can also find more helpful articles below!

Baptism In The Holy Spirit

More articles on Spirit Baptism:

  • Water Baptism
    (Supplementary to the section on the difference between water baptism and Spirit baptism. Water baptism is baptism in water and Spirit baptism is baptism in the Holy Spirit.)
  • Fellowship
    (In addition to the section that you can also have other Christians lay hands on you for the baptism in the Holy Spirit or pray with them.)
  • “How do I find my calling?” (in German)
    (Additional on the subject of Spirit baptism, as God gives gifts and callings to every Christian. There are other posts on the subject of calling in the article as well.)


More articles on the topic of praying in tongues and singing in tongues etc.:


 This article is one of the “4 steps on the path of discipleship”, see overview:

 You can also find many other articles on the topic of discipleship/disciple here:


Link to the children’s article in English (Link zum Kinder-Artikel auf Englisch):
Spirit Baptism (Children’s Version)

Link to the children’s article in German (Link zum Kinder-Artikel auf Deutsch):
Geistestaufe (Kinderversion)

Link to the detailed article in German (Link zum ausführlichen Artikel auf Deutsch):
Geistestaufe (Ausführlicher Artikel)