Tag Archives: Pentecost

Be like a burning match to others!

Holy Fire

(picture from www.gospelgifs.com)


Yes, revival begins with YOU!

“Revival is like a box of matches.
A single flame gets passed along
until everyone’s on fire for Jesus!”

(see picture)


Why not start TODAY?

Why not YOU?
Why not NOW???

No excuses!

The same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you (read Romans 8, 11)…

…if you already invited Jesus into your heart!

And Jesus gave you authority to do the same and even greater works as He did (read Mark 16, 17-18; John 14, 12)!

He wants to empower you with power from above (read Luke 24, 49)!

Like the first Christians received it on Pentecost (read Acts 2)!

And YOU can also receive your personal Pentecost!

Let your light shine
and keep the fire in your heart burning!


Link to this article in German (Link zum Artikel auf Deutsch):
Sei wie ein brennendes Streichholz für andere!